Double Deception (Mail-Order Brides 5) Page 7
After a pause, he continued, “Ella, this day has turned out a bit differently than I expected. I didn’t plan a deep discussion about such a serious matter that could threaten our future. And make no mistake, I believe we do have a future together. That’s what I really wanted to talk to you about today.”
Ella looked at him with and cocked an eyebrow at his quizzical statement. “So what about it? Our future, I mean?”
Even though they were sitting together on the blanket, Charlie got to one knee facing her. He pulled something out of his pocket and held it out to her. The thing in his hand sparkled in the light. When she looked at it, she gasped out loud and he laughed.
“Ella Barber, will you marry me?” he asked as he held the engagement ring where she could see it.
“Yes. Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” Ella cried.
“Well, then. I guess it’s official! Put that ring on, wake up the young man here, and let’s go tell Gloria and Alfredo,” Charlie ordered with glee. “But first, woman, come here and give me a kiss!”
Ella eagerly went into his arms and kissed him deeply. This kiss held all the promise and hope she had kept inside for too long. He could feel her love for him and he knew that he had made the right decision.
Finally, they started the walk back to the parsonage to tell the family the good news. As they walked hand in hand with Charlie carrying Thomas, Ella asked, “Can I ask you how you knew that Dr. McCade had forgiven me?”
“Well, you go there all of the time. I didn’t know there was anything for him to forgive until you told me your story. But as I thought about it, you wouldn’t be spending time with someone who was still mad at you.”
“Oh, well, that makes sense, I suppose,” she responded. “He’s going to be happy to hear about us.”
Charlie smiled. “Oh he’s happy, alright. I went to go see him yesterday. He was the closest thing to a father figure you have around here and I wanted to do things right. He was practically beaming when I told him my plan.”
Ella narrowed her eyes with wonder as she replied, “You two talked about me? And he didn’t tell you what I did to him?”
“Nope. He never mentioned it. If you hadn’t told me, I probably wouldn’t have ever known what happened. All he said was that you’re a fine woman and I’d be a fool to not claim you as my own,” Charlie admitted.
“I don’t know what to say. He’s an amazing man.”
“Yes, he is. In fact, he had the most perfect idea for us. He offered me the ring he gave his wife when they married. I was hesitant to take it, but he insisted. He told me that they were happy for forty years and that he believed this ring would bring us the same result. How could I not take it? Do you mind that it’s not new?”
“I think that this ring is perfect. I love it. And I think George is right. We will have much happiness together,” Ella responded as she looked at the ring on her finger shimmer in the sunlight.
Six weeks later her wedding day had arrived. The last year had been a whirlwind of emotions and changes for Ella. Through sadness and joy she had made it to this place and to these people. She felt blessed beyond comprehension.
She was alone in her room getting ready to put on her wedding dress and fix her hair. She sat quietly as she thought of William and all the good that had come from her relationship with him. What a good man he had been!
As she thought of her past and her future she realized that in the present she had so much to be thankful for. She bowed her head in the way that she always did to pray.
Dear Lord, I thank you so much for bringing me to this place and for bringing me through the storm. I trust you to guide me from here forward. Help me be the wife Charlie needs, Lord. Help me support his work and his faith in You. Help us to raise Thomas together with any children that come later in Your Word and inside Your will. Thank you for today, God. Amen.
Just as she finished her prayer, she heard noise outside her door. Gloria must be dying to get in here, she chuckled to herself.
“Oh, Ella! You’re not dressed yet! We need to hurry!” Gloria squealed with excitement from behind Ella.
“I’m coming along with it, Gloria. We have time,” she replied laughing. “But I’ll hurry to make you happy.”
Gloria reached over and started helping Ella step into her dress. They both stood back and looked at Ella’s reflection in awe.
“Oh, my. Ella, you look lovely. I knew this dress was going to be perfect, but I had no idea it would be this beautiful,” said Gloria.
Ella laughed and turned around for Gloria to place the final touches as she exclaimed, “If I didn’t know better, I would think that you were the one who was getting married.”
“You have become my best friend and you now you’re becoming my sister. This is a truly magnificent day for us both!” She answered with sincerity.
“I can’t believe your mother’s wedding dress fit me. I’m honored to wear it like you did.” Ella spoke almost reverently as she smoothed the delicate fabric down with tentative fingertips.
“She was happy for both of us to wear it. I’m just glad I was able to update it a bit when I wore it and we were able to embellish it a little more for you. It looks different for all of us! But now, we need to get you up to Doc McCade’s house for the ceremony,” Gloria said.
“I’m ready. Let’s go!” exclaimed Ella.
The girls got in the buggy and were driven by Colin, on of Gloria’s other brothers, to Dr. McCade’s house on the hill. The view from the yard was beautiful and peaceful and it was a perfect setting for a late afternoon wedding.
George was waiting for them when they pulled up and he was overcome with emotion when he saw Ella in her dress.
“You look lovely, my dear. I knew you would,” he said.
“Thank you, George. You look dapper, yourself! Thank you for all you’ve done for us. Most of all, thank you for walking me down the aisle today. It means the world to me,” Ella said as she hugged him tightly.
Gloria was a bridesmaid and they all got into position to start the wedding ceremony. As she prepared to walk beside George down the aisle, she was moved to tears as she thought about the direction her life was taking.
She was about to marry a man she loved deeply. A man of God. A man who also loved her son. She would become part of a large incredible family.
For a brief moment her mind went back to her first wedding, years ago to William. She thought of how the small wedding had been so special at that time. She cherished those memories, but she was ready to move forward. She had no guilt about that now.
She had written religiously to Frances since the moment she arrived in Belmont. It had been comforting to keep up with the news of the people that had been her family in her life in New York. She was greatly surprised when Frances wrote of her intentions to attend the wedding.
Frances agreed to be her other bridesmaid and she and Gloria had gotten along wonderfully as they planned together. The two friends were waiting for her beside Alfredo, who was going to perform the ceremony for them.
Now as she walked down the aisle, she broke eye contact with Charlie, just long enough to smile over at Franklin and Beverly Choate, who had made their way by train out west. They had wanted to be a part of this glorious day. This had been a surprise that had made her feel remarkably special.
She smiled at them and blew a little kiss their way. They beamed back at her, clearly happy to see that she had overcome all the adversity they had witnessed.
Despite all of the tragedy and disappointment that had plagued her, knowing that it all led to today, made it bearable. She was pulled from her thoughts by Alfredo as he started the ceremony.
“We’re gathered here today, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” he said.
When it was time for their vows, Charlie surprised her by saying something special and different. “I, Charles Scott, take you Ella Barber to be my lawfully wedded wife. I also take
Thomas, to raise and love as my own. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you every day. I promise to make sure that Thomas never forgets his father. I won’t try to replace him, but I will do my best to raise his son the way that he would want it done. I love you both with all my heart and soul and I will show that to you every way I can every day.”
Ella’s joy was unmeasurable. The man of her dreams was now her husband. He loved her son and he accepted her as she was. A woman who made mistakes, but admitted them. The mistake she had made brought her to this place and to these people. This was now her place and her people and she was very happy.
Thomas squealed as they said “I do,” and his little declaration sealed their commitment to each other.
The End
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